Educational Goal
School Badge
School wall painting
School Feature
School Song


Founded in 1977, Mingde elementary school is located in the Beitou District and surrounded by HuangSi Stream and Mingde road. So it provides a natural environment for our students.

Thanks for the previous principals, staffs and teachersˇ¦ contribution, now the school has been increasingly well-equipped with software and hardware facilities to offer a better chance to develop students multiple intelligences.

Mingde elementary school emphasizes on developing studentsˇ¦ abilities in different fields. So our students have had great achievements in many physical, musical contests.  In accordance with the philosophy of activity, exploration, creativity, the school has built up many  traditions  for encouraging pupils to be active learners.



No.190, Mingde Rd., Beitou District, Taipei City 112, Taiwan (R.O.C.)