Newspaper in Education 
Science competitions and exhibitions
Students' project: Dragon in Chinese culture

Newspaper in Education

We have promoted and developed newspaper in education for 3 years, And this year we have three experimental classes of "One kid One newspaper " in which every student has a newspaper, and reads and discusses it with class every day. 

This year we are also the core school of promoting  newspaper in education in Taipei city. Teachers apply newspapers to different learning subjects, especially language art and writing. We are also responsible for holding  many seminars for sharing our experience in  newspaper in education. 

Students read newspapers together. 

Every student  has a newspaper.  

Our newspaper in education experience is reported by the Japanese press.  

We are the ambassadors of newspaper in education. 

We love to read newspapers!


No.190, Mingde Rd., Beitou District, Taipei City 112, Taiwan (R.O.C.)