Newspaper in Education 
Science competitions and exhibitions
Students' project: Dragon in Chinese culture
  Science competition and exhibition

We have intraschool and interschool science competitions and exhibitions. 

Every year, based on the science learning topics designed by teachers, students of 4th ~6th grade  make the scientific projects for intraschool  science competitions and exhibitions. At the beginning of a semester, students of 5th and 6th grade, who has high motivation of doing in-depth scientific projects, can volunteer to take part in the  interschool science competitions and exhibitions. 

This year, our students' outstanding performance in 2008 interschool science competitions and exhibitions are highly recognized! Their two projects own the first prize of elementary school groups and TDK honorable prize. These student were summoned by President Ma and Taipei city Major Hao this summer for praising their excellent results of scientific studies. 





No.190, Mingde Rd., Beitou District, Taipei City 112, Taiwan (R.O.C.)